Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

I know that 2011 is going to be a great year.  I can just feel it.  I have a couple of resolutions if you want to call them that.  The first is to be more social.  To actually leave my house a little more often.  To go out and have fun.  With real live people.  I want to work on friendships.  I want to give more time to those I love and to myself.

I have also given myself the year off.  I have no big giant goals this year.  I am just going to go with the flow and enjoy my life.  I am going to be the best caregiver I can be to my mom and the best mom I can be to my boys.  I always set such high goals for myself that I usually just end up stressing myself out.  Not this year though!  I am going to RELAX.


  1. Not that I'm thinking about myself or anything, but I totally support your resolution. ;) For real, though, I want to see you! You (+ your kids/mom, if you'd prefer) are welcome to come here. Or we could meet for coffee...

    P.S. I LOVE my new purple nail polish so much! I got a sweater for Christmas that is exactly the same shade, and you know I'll wear stuff that doesn't even match at all if I like it enough.

  2. Yay! I'm glad that you like the nail polish. I am in a purple mood these days. :)
