Wednesday, September 15, 2010

daring and graceful

It is amazing how someone can see you in a totally different way than you see yourself. And then how their thoughts, observations and words can have such a great affect on you. This has happened to me twice in recent months and it has given me such a wonderful outlook on certain aspects of my life. It has breathed a bit of new life into me. Two words have caused me great joy and made me see myself a bit differently. Two words.

Graceful. I have never been called graceful. One of my teammates told me I was graceful on my skates. Now I have never thought of myself as being graceful. And I would have never in a million years thought of myself as graceful on my skates. I don't think I am clumsy or awkward but I would have never used the word graceful to describe myself. Graceful just seems so smooth and beautiful. I think of a figure skater gliding over the floor with ease. When I try to glide it is not with ease and it is with a head full of nervousness and negative talk. No more. I am now graceful. I am agile, coordinated and relaxed. I glide across the floor with ease.

Daring. A coworker told me she thought I was daring. It was actually the first word on a long list of wonderful, strong words she used to describe me. It surprised me. I have always wanted to be daring. I have always wanted to do daring things. I don't think I've accomplished that yet. I have tried daring activities. I have stopped before I was successful. This has made me feel more scared than daring. I know I should give myself some credit for even attempting to be daring. I guess I am daring in the attempt. I just drag myself down and don't let myself do all I can do. I have a great fear of failure. This fear seems to keep me from putting forth a great effort. I put forth a little effort but not all I am capable of. No more. I am daring. I will take that challenge and I will give it all I have. I am courageous, adventurous and unafraid. I will do.

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